You can thank Jim Lilley for this review as reading through his excellent blog I stumbled across a picture of this blend several times, upon which curiosity got the better of me. And so it happened that I was in my favorite tobacco shop earlier and I decided to give this blend a try to satisfy my inner curiosity. Holding the tin in my hand I can't help to wonder how did the good folks at Peterson manage to cram in 50g of tobacco in what seems a miniature tin in comparison to the other blends that I am more accustomed to. The yellow-ish gold hue of the tin is handsomely complemented by the blue label which leaves very little for the eyes to digest. Emblazoned across the top of the label is the manufacturer's logo and a basic description of the blend inside which reads " A mild easy smoking blend of fine Virginias and Burley tobaccos, made the traditional way". I am even more curious at this stage and most eager to find out how the contents fair amongst other blends that I have tried. Off note here is that this is my first time experimenting with a Va/Bur (Virginia / Burley) blend as I consider myself a Va/Lat (Virginia/Latakia) smoker primarily.
Inside the tin
With the lid popped off one is greeted by an aroma that is a concoction of dried fruits, berries and fruit flavoured tea. Upon a quick check I came to discover that the tobacco used in this blend has been cased in plum. The tobaccos were somewhat moist, typical for freshly opened flake tobaccos, however I do not find the moisture level a detractor in packing and lighting the flakes. I am pretty sure a little bit of drying will definitely increase the smoking experience hence I will let time take it's course and revisit this tobacco again. The length of the flakes fits perfectly in the bowl of my Peterson system pipe off which I was presented as a gift from my father in law and recently restored by a good friend of mine, Mr Roslan Johari, or Lan Joe from RJ Pipes.
In the bowl
Once in the bowl, lighting does not take too much effort. I found the sweetness of the Virginias taking center stage with the burley adding depth and character to the smoking experience. The casing does impart a distinct fruity or plumy taste, and I find this much pleasing to my senses. I would classify this as a mild, easy to smoke blend. The tobacco taste is prominent with fruity nuances picking up once in a while. I found it rather strange that some people classify this blend has a rather strong nicotine kick. For me the nicotine level is adequate enough as an all day blend, however not strong enough to complement a nice full meal. I would still resort to my much favoured Dunhill NightCap for my post meal nicotine fix. I am quite fond of the finish this tobacco imparts on the tip of one's tongue at the end of a smoking session, it is a sweet and satisfying taste that lingers.
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